BioStable is a fermented plant extract which optimizes the natural (bio)equilibrium of micro-organisms in the stables. The product contains no added probiotic micro-organisms, but rather stimulates the beneficial micro-organisms already present to reproduce. This speeds up the breakdown of the soiling, especially urea. During the breakdown of urine ammonia is produced, in part via the enzyme urease which is present in the urine. In an optimal stable ecosystem, nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria (among others) are in balance.
Scientific research has shown that using BioStable rapidly reduces ammonia emission. This has a beneficial effect on the animals living and breathing in the stables. They are less stressed, and suffer fewer respiratory problems. This contributes to an improved feed conversion.
Product information
BioStable consists of fermented plant and algae extracts which maximise the uptake of trace elements, vitamins and enzymes by the micro-organisms present in the stable. This results in the whole ecosystem of the soiling becoming: more stable, more active, more homogenous and as a result releasing less ammonia into the surroundings.